Inspirations middle ground Mindfulness Peace of mind Self Discovery

* Inspiration for Today – Choose The Present Moment

presetn moment

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.”

Eckhart Tolle

Lets bring this into our awareness today and embrace everything that we experience in the highs and lows of our  lives.

At the end of the day, pause and reflect on what you discovered …



37 comments on “* Inspiration for Today – Choose The Present Moment

  1. Such a lovely and embracing thought to carry through my day.

    that photo is gorgeous!


    • Thanks Louise … the photo caught my eye and made me pause! Let our day be one of mindfulness and compassion to yourself as well as others.
      Val x


  2. Thank you for this Val! 🙂


  3. I love that quote Val – thank you for sharing it and your encouraging words. ❤
    Diana xo


    • The simplest of quotes can bring so much more …. when we can be with the message moment to moment. Thank you for being there Diana.
      Val x


  4. “Embrace all with joy. Anything can be a gift of gold in disguise.”


    • Wonderful Nancy. It does look like molten gold doesn’t it…. I never saw that until now 🙂 I’m amazed at the wisdom others notice 🙂
      Thank you for yours Nancy!


  5. Thank you, Val. Such Peace and Calm settled upon my Heart with this post. Bless you. Love, Amy


    • Thank you Amy. You are like a wave of love, empathy and gratitude to everyone you touch.
      I am so lucky that I get to receive this too 🙂
      Val x


      • Val, your words moved me to tears. I have been so involved with Rusty I overlooked following you. I just did so. Your soft-spokenness I “hear” as well, and to me, there is no price to be in the company of one who understands Love. Thank you, Val. (((HUGS))) Amy


        • You give so much Amy.
          Take care of what matters and let that be okay my friend.


          • This is why I have come to the fork in the road that I can give just so much. I am no longer available on weekends here on my blog and others as well, and I’m thinking of knocking that down to only 3 times per week. I need me time as well, and with the nice weather here, I refuse to be behind a computer all the time. Today for example, I’ve been on here for hours. There are so many who reach out to me, yet, if I don’t reach out to myself, I will pound myself right into the ground. Bless you for listening. Bless you. With Love, Amy


        • Taking care of your own self and reaching out to YOU is so important so you have the energy to give to others. Its okay to limit your availability, as long as you are clear about it and come from a caring place :).
          It sounds like this is a good time to re-assess what’s most important. Pausing and reflecting on this is okay.
          Others will learn from you too!
          Val x


  6. Okay, how perfect is this – I just commented to you on my blog that I was making a point to stop and be in the moment – and then BAM, here is your post! Whether the moment seems good or bad, in the end, as part of the long game, I know that it’s good overall 🙂


  7. In the Stillness of Willow Hill

    Val, this quote brings clarity to the idea that we do choose our reality. I love knowing that even when we think this reality is uncomfortable… is like a friend who is willing to tell us the truth for our own good.


  8. Magnificent image Val. So appropriate for the words.


  9. Ah, yes.. that “pause” at the end of the day is why I am still up past midnight! 🙂
    Thanks for the reminder to come back to each moment. Always good to hear that.


    • Gentle reminders are always helpful to keep our hearts open and to feel connected 🙂
      I’m glad this resonated with you too Elizabeth.


  10. I really like this. Such a simple thought but so transformative! I am still thinking about your “yoga” blog from the other day. It strikes me as revealing some new, revealing energy.


    • Thank you for commenting here and sharing our intuition Kim! My energy is going toward yoga more and more these days as I follow my spiritual path. It has been such an important part of my life for so long, and is also emerging and expanding in a strong new way.


  11. Thank you for this perfect moment, Val.


  12. Reblogged this on Teacher as Transformer and commented:
    Being in the present is challenging, but it is also rewarding. Being present allows awareness that the world and all phenomena are transient. Positive and negative only exist in thinking. Being present allows letting go. Being present is also about being aware of who and what is present to us.


  13. Your posts are a delight for eye, mind, and heart!
    Thank you so very much for following and opening the door to your wonderful world!


  14. These words are truly tattoo worthy. Just need to find a patch of skin large enough. Cheers!


  15. Great quote, I just used it myself! 🙂


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