Photo by Jens Johnsson on

Are you feeling off balance at this time of year? You are not alone!

Entering a New Year and diving into the depths of Winter is such an interesting time of year in the Northern hemisphere. It’s a time of transition and mixed messages that easily throws us off balance.

Many of us have enjoyed Holiday celebrations and over indulgence/s! We may feel a bit guilty about that and have become self critical. Our bodies want to naturally attune to the season and nature. Then the external world tells us we have to create a new and better “me” and launch ourselves in a new direction for the year ahead.

That’s a lot of pressure at a time when nature goes into hibernation and the season calls us to nourish and take care of ourselves in readiness for the burst of energy in Spring.

No wonder we feel off balance and think “I can’t even control myself!”

These words from Judith Lasater and the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras may throw some light here:

“He (Patanjali) in short, counsels us to give up attachment to controlling what we see around us… The more we are willing to let go of control and simply stay present, with what is, the more control we have…

In the final analysis we can only control ourselves. But we are often dismayed at out inability to master even this. What prevents us? When we feel out of control, it is usually when there is a conflict between what we think and what we feel. Our feelings may scream one thing, while our minds demand something else. But our bodies, which are the storage units for our feelings, simply cannot lie. Whatever we feel in our bodies is our truth.”

~ Judith Lasater taken from “Living Your Yoga”

Whenever we begin to feel guilty, criticize ourselves, or become insensitive towards others, it’s a signal to pause and explore, rather than divert our attention and launch ourselves into a “fix it” project.

We are not a problem and there is nothing wrong. We are simply out of balance. We are in our heads and disconnected from our feelings and the wisdom of our body … and nature itself.

Now more than ever is a time to pause and Find Your Middle Ground.


Time hurtling forward

Pressure to bring about change.

A fix me project!


Find your Middle Ground

Reflect and nurture your self

Follow nature’s way


What we do to find our center again will differ for each of us. For me, it’s a call to practice more yoga and be mindful to the alignment of mind, body and spirit. To pause more and to check in with how much energy I have. For some, it can be to recommit to more movement or healthy eating, simply to feel more comfortable. We all have creativity within us, and this is a good time to begin journaling and noticing what inspiration is waiting for expression.

When we become more present, we feel more in control, and paradoxically, can let go more to find our balance again.

Winter is a time of reflection and nurturing. An inner tilling of the soil so that seeds can be sown and growth takes place with the upsurge of energy in the Spring.


28 comments on “Feeling Off Balance at This Time of Year

  1. It is an interesting time indeed Val, many things are to be opened and cleared 😀❤️🙏

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Lovely reminders here, Val, thanks so much.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Love your wisdom and insights! 🤗💕✨

    Liked by 3 people

  4. As the years go by, more and more, I look forward to hibernation mode. I rest, restore and await the warmer days of spring to awaken and bloom once again. 🩷

    Liked by 3 people

  5. My focus this year is “LET GO” . . . which ties in nicely with Judith’s quote:

    The more we are willing to let go of control and simply stay present, with what is, the more control we have…

    We are here
    And it is now
    Aah . . .

    Liked by 3 people

    • I admire your focus Nancy❣️Letting go is a recurring theme or cycle in our lives. It certainly isn’t a one and done thing! With mindful living we realize that the most important lessons are always worth coming back to.
      Stay present and embrace it all 💞

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wonderful reminder to find balance in this busy season. Reflecting, pausing, and nurturing ourselves align us with nature’s wisdom.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. For me Val, its going walks in nature where I truly find my balance… and we had a break from all the rain this week and today a perfect frosty morning with blue sky.. A two hour walk by myself in our local woods, and I was brought right back into balance…
    SO much this year is going to try and kick us of kilter .. So your advice is spot on.

    Love your poetry and wise quote.. Wishing you a balanced Year my friend xx ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Truth!! This year entered with so much energy…like a huge creative burst! And there is always the pressure to fix or be better and the new year seems to highlight that fact. Here’s to BEing in each moment, and witnessing. Thanks, Val.
    I will be away…but want to try to attend your offering…Maybe!!
    Hope you are well and that the new year finds you at peace ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I love the winter, Val. I love hibernating and the creative freedom it induces (nowhere to go, no mowing or gardening, no community events or obligations). My problem is listening to the news! I see after reading this post, that I need to release my attachment to the endlessly horrible news – especially since I can’t change a thing until next November. THANKS!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. It was before but after I follow this
    It get better

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I think it’s a good time to clean out the old files and start anew. It helps to get things organized the best you can and then your mind begins to feel relaxed, and joy enters more easily. At least this works for me.

    Liked by 1 person

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