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Let it not be a Solstice New Moon “should”.

It is hard to ignore the heightened activity in spiritual, shaman and emergence circles about embracing such a special time as we open up to the solstice and full moon energies.

I find it is an important moment to assess where we personally are. It feels good to bring awareness to the residue of grasping and reaching growth in Spring, embrace the fullness that summer brings, and to let go of the decayed no longer useful parts of our past that are ready to be released.

This time of year brings an opening of possibility … but it doesn’t need to be heavy. In fact, a light hearted approach, will allow us to flow and grow. The full Moon brings an other dimension of awareness into the spiritual and unknown realm.

Take time to pause, and notice if you are becoming wrapped up in the hype, or are feeling more burdened, wishing it was different… or perhaps telling yourself that your life should be different.

Living life fully does have its ups and downs. The movement of the planets and the position of the moon is not going to get rid of that. As emerging humans we want to get rid of what is challenging and embrace what makes us feel good.

When we grow we understand that the moon ebbs and flows with the tide after all, and also in an unknown way.

As we embrace this time and find ourselves judging how it should be and how it is not a certain way, notice where your thinking is. Is it a should to be something else, or a dream to take away all challenges?

Then it probably is simply a construct of the ego mind. The true energy of this time is not based in judgement or ego. It is attuned to the natural rhythms of life beyond our thinking.

Embrace the ambiguity and judgment that arises from being human. Accept it and love it.

This is the true portal to awakening to what the stars, moon, sun and universe have been guiding the energy towards.


12 comments on “Let it not be a Solstice New Moon “should”.

  1. Beautiful advice, Val, and important reminder for me. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is a powerful time at the moment Val, like an adjustment. We’ve reached a place that says yes because of what we have become, and attracting accordingly. And in beginning to give from that place the old must give way for those changes to come. Great post dear lady. May it be so, and may it be of that love we feel 😀❤️🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sharon Lawrence

    And so it is!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wonderful and wise post. 💖

    Liked by 2 people

  5. “Living life fully does have its ups and downs.” Yes, indeed

    Liked by 2 people

  6. On the summer solstice, we enjoyed Sunset at the Beach . . . followed by the Moon Rising . . . with our 3 year old great nephew. Summertime Bliss!

    Liked by 2 people

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