community Connection healing Inspirations middle ground Mindfulness Peace of mind Self Discovery Yoga

Open Middle Ground Gathering – Saturday January 27 at 10.00am EST

Photo by Roberto Nickson on

“To make it through the gathering disquiet, I will need embodied connection… I will need to seek comfort in the warmth of others this year. Whenever the cold creeps in, wherever the dark night pools, I will need to look for others”

— Margaret Renkl, from “Taking a Cue From the Squirrels in My Birdhouse” (NY Times, Jan. 8, 2024)

This quote felt so true. There is much happening in the world these days which can create unease and a sense of imbalance in our lives. I want to offer a safe and supportive place for us to come together for connection, comfort and renewal.

I hope you will join me via Zoom this Saturday, the 27th at 10.00am EST (7.00am PST / 3.00pm GMT) to share some uplifting practices, insights and inspiration.

Together, let’s explore how we can lift our mood and shift our mindset with ease. You will experience nurturing and transformative practices from Yoga, Qi Gong and Life Coaching. 

It’s always uplifting to share and renew our connection to what matters most in our lives.

Show up just as you are. No payment or yoga mat required. 🙏🏻

I expect our time will be around 1- 1.5 hours depending on the number of participants.

Please let me know if you plan to join the gathering, so I can send you the private Zoom link. Comment here or email me at

Thank you for being here.


12 comments on “Open Middle Ground Gathering – Saturday January 27 at 10.00am EST

  1. 👍🏼 Great idea, Val! 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That sounds a most wonderful plan you have Val…. Sending all who attend much love and peace to be shared my friend… ❤ xx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wanted to join you for this but I didn’t get my body moving on time. Thanks for all that you give.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Open Middle Ground Gathering – Saturday January 27 at 10.00am EST – عنوان الموقع

  5. such a lovely idea – 2am in Sydney though 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “. Example: Comment1


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