timeless peace of mind


Find your Middle Ground

in this one precious moment

timeless peace of mind


32 comments on “* Haiku – timeless

  1. Timeless peace . . . aah, that’s better!


  2. worth looking for 🙂


  3. Might just have to use this as my mantra for a little mediation today. What a beautiful, centering thought, Val.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That image is magnificent Val. So appropriate for the haiku.


  5. How lovely – you say so much in few words! 🙂


  6. I found myself taking a deep breath of gratitude and simple pleasure as I read this Val. ❤
    Diana xo


  7. Beautiful the picture and the Haiku! The middle ground is within us each and every moment. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Carrie Cannady

    A lovely combination of image and words which call us to ourselves…and our divine connection. ❤


  9. So beautifully peaceful! Much love Val ❤


  10. Timeless peace of mind… your haiku is not a haiku. It is “timeless peace of mind”! Thank you for sharing grace 🙂 have a nice week Val ♥♥


  11. Ahhh timeless peace of mind – my whole body and mind let go as I read that. Thank you Val! Sharon xoxo


  12. Such a beautiful sentiment, Val! And the image goes with it perfectly. Loved it and it stayed with me.


  13. In the stillness we can always find this timeless peace of mind. Thankyou Val these are beautiful words.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Perfect, Val. Thank you. Love, Amy


  15. Indeed! –Dennis


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