Today started as a welcome day with connection to dear friends at Chanticleer and then doing some trimming and nurturing in the garden.

It’s also a day when things fell apart. My horoscope foretold that was a transformational time in my birth horoscope. I was waiting for something. Up until two hours ago, I felt at ease and curious about what was unfolding.

Then suddenly everything changed. I was thinking about how I can flow through life’s ups and downs. It’s all about the centering …. right…?

As I was preparing for dinner I looked out the window, and saw something that sucked the breath out of me and shattered illusions that all is okay.

I saw a small squirrel that has been attacked. It may have been a cat, a fox or a fellow squirrel, but its head was covered in blood and it was blinded. There was no fur around its head and at the back of its neck there was a puncture wound. It was quivering on the north side of a tree and shaking its tail. Still alive and protecting itself. I stepped out and heard it’s cries.

Dear god, what can I do? Being present to suffering is hard. For those who are innocent and vulnerable it feels unbearable.

I went to get sunflower seeds to offer it food. Not sure if it’s enough, yet it’s all I can do. All I can do for now.

There is so much in nature and the world out there that we protect ourselves against. This dear squirrel reminds me of the intensity and fullness of my heart … and others when we let go of the protective barriers. I can’t save the world. I can’t save the wounded squirrel. But I can keep my heart open to bring love and compassion to all those who suffer.

I realise I am grieving for so much more. The squirrel who met its match and may not survive. The young woman who finds herself pregnant and doesn’t know what to do. The angry and fearful teen who doesn’t know what to with the anger inside and is looking for someone to blame. The mature man juggling with heart disease or cancer yet in denial of being vulnerable to disease and death.

The world is not an easy place to be fully alive in right now.

Yet, tomorrow is a new dawn of a new day. Everything comes and goes. May I still welcome the unfolding for myself, others who are struggling, Mother Nature and the world.

Namaste 🙏🏼

29 comments on “When the Tears Just Fall

  1. How horrifying that must have been for you, Val. Nature can be harsh and witnessing suffering is never easy. Hoping for the best for that little squirrel. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Val, I am here with you. It’s so hard I know. A few months ago There was a tragic situation on my back deck. It happened to a little cat I had been trying to help for a few years. Nature can be both beautiful and cruel. The tears came and like you, I realized that I was grieving for the little cat and the horror it went through, but also grieving for so much more. So, I sit with you in silence and breath, and look to better and more loving days.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Poor wee beastie.
    Sad to witness the suffering.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So hard. Still crying. There’s much more being released right now. Thank you for being here Nancy 💕🙏🏼💕


  4. It hurts my heart to just read this much less to witness it. But sometimes we are called to bear witness to suffering. Responding with loving care is sometimes all one can do. That’s a big deal in the overall picture of life. I’m sorry you and the squirrel had to experience this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Marlene. Your words are dear to me. Bearing witness to this opened my heart. I felt connected to the creature’s suffering but also to the love inside of me. 💕🙏💕

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ah dear Val, that is such a heartfelt thing to touch. The suffering we can feel because of our own suffering, the empathy, compassion and love fills us until we truly can almost feel it complete in another. We like to think that in nature at least it is short and swift because of those basic needs of survival. But just maybe it has attracted your heart for a reason, a healing, even if from somewhere you would never imagine. An energy needed that loving yoga heart to at the least comfort an ordeal, and at the most maybe heal and give comfort as only you can do. Big hugs dear lady, either way you are sharing a love as only you can do ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Anonymous

    A wise and compassionate post, Val. So apt for the times. X

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You put this experience into words so well- I had a very similar experience to that too. That rending of one’s heart and the tears that fall….and yet it all has to be formed into LOVE, going forth. Thank you for this!!!!!


  8. “reminds me of the intensity and fullness of my heart ” – yes that is what a feeling heart is like. The world indeed is not an easy place to be present to right now. Our capacity to keep breathing into our heart space and hold space …so important. The things that you list, the suffering is so real. Compassion to all there is, and to us. Ease & Joy. Appreciate your post woith Gratitude.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I nostri piccoli scoiattoli . Era rosso quello che trovai ai bordi del bosco sulle Dolomiti . Restai un po’ lì a fargli compagnia anche se non dava segni di vita 🐦☮️ . La mia età coglie tanta fragilità e la gratitudine di essere 4 volte nonna Ciao 🐞


  10. I believe we are meant to feel the challenges, the uncertainties, and the joys of life as you express so honestly Val. Not always easy to do. Sending love 🤗🧡

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I could feel anguish as I read this. As difficult as it can be to feel it, I would rather feel this than not.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Yes. These are times thst can bring us to our knees. Nature can appear cruel at times, yet it is only humans that actually choose cruelty. (Luckily, we also witness many acts of kindness and grace). Whereas in nature, especially during these times of climate change, it is usually survival. Hope you recovered your peace. Tough stuff. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Bela. 💕 I did recover my peace after many hours of tearful release. This poor creature opened up my heart to all the pain and anguish in the world I had not truly acknowledged. Quite cathartic … and needed to find a fullness of heart and sense of balance.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh, my heart aches reading about the little squirrel…thank you for sharing your wisdom and the invitation to BE with life as it unfolds.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your caring heart Vicki. 💕Being with what is … and what else it might bring up is a challenge, yet so worthwhile on this path🙏.


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