At this time of year its natural to reflect back and then look forward to what the New Year might bring.  Some of us set game plans and goals to accomplish… Others have intentions around our own evolution and inner journey…  And some of us like to stay in the present moment.

You know how I enjoy shifting perspectives and seeing things in a new way. Seeing things differently can bring clarity and break us free from conditioning and stuckedness.

I came across this question and knew I had to share with you. Go beyond your analytical, practical mind and open up your intuition.  Let your inner guide answer this one.

Imagine your future self gives you a box and says the object symbolises your destiny.question mark boxWhat do you see when you open the box?


Your box is as big as your imagination. It can be as large as a landscape or a small symbol that represents something more. Be open to whatever shows up.

This is what lies ahead for me.

tender heart

I pictured a rose quartz heart in a simple little box. It represents an open heart; self acceptance; bringing peace and compassion for self and others.

What’s in your destiny box?



27 comments on “A Question for the Future

  1. I like your box. Mine is a landscape: a swiftly flowing mountain stream, gurgling over and around rocks, surrounded by lots of tall and spreading trees.


  2. I saw a beautiful sky, with stars,the moon, and the sun, Val! Thanks for sharing your beautiful and inspiring heart.


  3. I dare not look Val!

    (But I hope there’s chocolates in there.)


  4. I will view my box as a door that opens onto a sunny beach with lots of books holding chapters that can be chosen for fresh starts!


  5. Good question Val, I will have to give it some thought! Happy New Year to you and yours!
    Diana xo


  6. My box would have to be so constructed as to retain aromas. For, ideally, it would contain the memories of all the dogs I have cuddled up to in my life, all the wonderful, warm smells of the coats of those dogs, so I could replay a thousand dog hugs in my head.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You box is very special Paul. Thank you for sharing yours!
      I loved the smell of wet dog after walks on the beach in Scotland. So many memories from our four legged soul mates.


  7. When I closed my eyes to see what happened when I opened my box, I saw doves of peace flying out and filling the sky. So beautiful!

    Thank you for this Val. I shall carry the image and thoughts with me throughout the year.


  8. I love your box idea ~ and I love that it holds an open heart which is perfect for you and truly for all of us! When I did your exercise I saw a star which radiated brightly. I think it would be empowerment. Happy 2015 to you and your sweet, kind, compassionate, loving heart! ♥


    • Thank you so much for sharing yours Yvonne! A star shining bright and radiating from within sounds perfect for you.
      Thank you for bringing your light to the world and helping to empower others!
      May 2015 be a good one 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. My box is full of LAUGHTER. (And chocolate).


  10. Carrie Cannady

    Love, Freedom, Play. These are in my box! Thank you for this invitation to peer inside the unknown…a box lined with my desires! ❤️


  11. I have a little rose quartz heart just like that one in the picture, and I’d like to imagine the same in my destiny box…
    x ❤


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