This is an update on a post from an earlier time. Life comes in cycles for lessons to be learned. When life is unsure and the future unknown, we all need some help. It takes inner awareness and work, as well as opening ourselves to others for support.

facing the unknown

Facing the unknown is a scary place. Our mind creates scenarios and one thought feeds an other… into distortion and fortune telling of disaster. We feel anxious, out of control and extremely vulnerable.

Yet, when we begin to experience what had been unknown, we start to believe we understand and feel more in control. “Yep – I can handle this after all. I can even be proud of myself for overcoming my fear.” It is a reassuring place to be…. until the next round.

So what can we do to ensure that we don’t keep going through the same cycle of anxiety and fear? To refocus and quiet the mind?

What works for me is to take myself into a quiet place, in nature if the elements permit, or at home on my yoga mat. I sometimes stay quiet, and at other times I put on soothing music. I then allow my body to move through the emotions. My mat is like a magic carpet that takes me to a safe and loving place inside of me.

I believe that all emotions are energy, and when we are able to bring awareness to our breath and move our bodies with care and attention, we allow the energy to move through us and release what is ready to be let go of.  It is empowering to be able to be present with everything that is going on and surrender to it in the body and mind using our breath.

Yet, I know that what helps me as a yogi, may not work for others who have different perspectives and beliefs.

Some time ago, I learned to let go of wanting someone to be more like me. There is no right way here, only finding a way to support one another through suffering.

Others may find that distraction works well to keep the mind otherwise occupied. Action packed movies, reruns of sitcoms and sports games can work well for one person. For an other, it’s diving into work, or reading stories with happy endings. When the mind is refocused or distracted in this way, the body can relax and it lets fear subside.
Compassion and reassurance from an other also brings comfort.

Photo by Andres Ayrton on

Ultimately, when we are in pain and struggling, it means so much to know that others care: a gentle touch from a loved one; a reassuring word from a friendly doctor;  a gesture of understanding from someone who has been through the same experience; a nurse with a sense of humor and warm knowing eyes; a friend who goes for a walk with you.

Whether we find that feeling of love within ourselves or through connection to others, love really is the answer.

There is no right way to face the unknown and what lies ahead… but finding love and knowing you are not alone, eases the way.

28 comments on “Facing the Unknown

  1. A beautiful post, Val; all resonated deeply. We all have to face ourselves, and this last year has been intense and has borne a deeper inner peace and acceptance. I appreciate this post and you, dear Val. 🙏🏻💜

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 🙏🏼💜 💪🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sharon Lawrence

    Love this post Val!

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    Very helpful

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  5. I sat still and took in the wisdom of your words, Val, and really appreciate it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. There is much wisdom and compassion here Val. And I appreciate your awareness that each has there own way of meditation and processing. Being loved and accepted is a balm for the soul.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes, follow the Love.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. A lovely post Val… and yes being there for another listening and showing compassion is a great healing tool…. Having that support is very comforting… Learning to find that stillness within also.. Love truly is the answer in many respects.. As to how we heal ourselves and others..

    Much love, and thank you for your wisdom Val xx ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. They all in their different ways ask us to find that love inside us, dare us to go beyond those doubts and fears within us in so many different ways. A way that shows us ‘us’ and who we are in going through them and finally understand it is those things that we are blocking that very love and happiness we are looking for.

    Beautifully written Val, understanding that we are all different, but all trying to reach that beauty of love inside us. Thank you for sharing yours kind lady, may we reach that destination that is us 😀❤️🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Yes! Sometimes just the slightest shift in perspective works wonders. 

    When we put peace of mind ahead of all else, we discover the power that lies within. ~ Joseph V. Bailey

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Val,

    Thank you for this post. It was helpful to read it this morning. This is what I hear in your words.

    There are many paths to love. What matters is that you keep seeking the one that connects you.

    Wishing you wellness,


    Liked by 2 people

  12. Such helpful wisdom and guidance!
    These concepts are priceless!
    Thank you so much for sharing Val ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

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