“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”                                                                  ~Jane Goodall

ripplesThis quote from Jane Goodall inspires me on many levels…. and opens up further musings.

  • Isn’t it more than the actions we take that has an impact? Its how we show up. Our attitude and our being.
  • Isn’t it more than being aware of how we impact others? Its how we are impacting our selves as well.

We impact our inner and outer world all the time… and with this awareness, we get to  choose how we want to be.

Whether it is expressing gratitude, sharing concern, giving feedback, making a critical comment … we impact others and ourselves with the words we use.

Whether its a soothing touch, stepping up or taking a back seat, frowning, rushing ahead… we impact others and ourselves with our actions.

Whether its about being loving, curious, looking for the good in others or being fearful of things outside our control … we impact others and ourselves with our attitude.

What if we could bring this inner and outer awareness into each moment. Noticing and taking care. Being present and kind.

Who knows the true impact we will have in the world.

Aahhh … now that’s better!


30 comments on “* Inspiration – Impact

  1. Why practice loving kindness and compassion?

    * To gain brownie points with acquaintances?
    * To earn a seat in heaven?
    * To please God?
    * To honor Buddha?
    * To create good karma for this (or the next) life?

    It’s even simpler than that . . .

    Being kind makes us happy.
    Right here. Right now.
    Kindness is its own reward.

    * Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary. ~ James M. Barrie

    * The older you get, the more you realize that kindness is synonymous with happiness. ~ Lionel Barrymore

    * Do not overlook any good actions, thinking they are of no benefit; even tiny drops of water in the end will fill a huge vessel. ~ The Buddha


  2. Thank you for these wonderful thoughts Val; they reach far deeper into the actuality of life once we immerse fully into their meaning – and this, of course, is a signifier of your rich wisdom. After I had read them, I reflected as I sat here – silently, thoughtlessly – and at the same time felt in mental tone the interaction of the world impacting upon me, and myself upon it, in equal measure. It’s a very subtle dynamic when sensed from stillness; and yet the interplay is there, most definitely. It is quite delicious; it is just awareness being itself really.

    Hariod. ❤


  3. Love this Val! x That is such a great quote by Jane Goodall, and your further musings on it are so insightful. Thank you beautiful lady! ❤


  4. Our attitude makes a world of difference, and makes a difference in the world!


  5. Val, this is beautiful and so true. Attitude is 99% of everything.


  6. Love the post ~ love the quote! ♥


  7. I agree that attitude is so important.


  8. We might never know how our actions impact on someone, so always be kind, for kindness is it’s own reward, and it carries through to those we touch.
    Thanks for the inspiration Val, always good stuff!


  9. We can all make a difference, so true. I think especially this time of year as well, when we are all so busy, to make even more of a conscious effort! Thanks Val.


    • Yes indeed Karen. This time of celebrations is also an important time for remembering what’s most important…. love and kindness.
      Val x


  10. It’s so true Val! ❤
    Diana xo


  11. This is a great reminder. We don’t always think about the impact of our words or even our thoughts and nonverbal messages…Thanks for sharing, Val.


  12. There is a lot to think about here! What comes to mind for me is that my impact does mirror what I’m feeling. If I’m cranky, then I’m pretty sure most people I encounter leave feeling just a little bit crankier … And vice versa …


    • Nice insight Ian … the key is when we bring conscious awareness to that we are cranky. Then we have a choice. Thank you for stopping by. 🙂


  13. This is so wise Val. And it really resonated with my heart. Words, actions, attitudes are so powerful and yet unfortunately so little attention is paid to them. Everybody seems to be aware how they themselves are impacted by others but are unwilling to take responsibility for how they themselves impact others. Thank you for sharing this!


    • Thank you for your insight Anjali. I agree, that each of us have to take personal responsibility for how we choose to live – our inner and outer worlds.
      Val x

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Great post Val. Now (for me) to execute…


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