inner courage

“Don’t turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place. That’s where the light enters you.” Rumi

When you are experiencing hurt, especially a wound of the heart

Look directly at this bandaged place

Find courage to face the storm rather than avoiding it or denying it

Be tender towards this raw vulnerability

When you bring compassion to your wounds, you allow them to heal

Be with it so it can transform you beyond fear and pain

Trust yourself to feel and live fully

Practice being present with whatever is alive in you, and you will find this light

29 comments on “* Don’t Turn Away

  1. A broken heart is an open heart and an open heart is a loving heart.

    Blessings to you and your beautiful heart.


  2. Beautiful quote from Rumi…
    Sometimes it’s so hard to do, but as you say… “When you bring compassion to your wounds, you allow them to heal.” Thanks for the reminder Val. x


  3. Yes, there’s a lot of truth to this, and as you say, it takes courage. Which of us wants to face our pain, or take the chance we might get stuck in it? Still, when I have been brave enough, facing, accepting, and loving what is really does help.


    • Its a courageous journey to be sure Vincent. And easier when 1. there is someone with us who understands… And 2. We experience this truth for ourselves … And not only survive by fully embrace life once more!
      Thank you sharing here ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Val I have done this intentionally before and it does seem like the appropriate thing to do. One thing about heartbreak is that I am aware of being alive, in fact I feel very alive and would rather feel the pain of heartbreak than feel nothing at all.
    Diana xo


    • So true Diana! When we face the pain we face the flow of life energy itself. The pain is alive in us… In recognizing this we live fully…. And allow the energy to move through us as it is meant to.
      Val x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Good point, so many times I like to toss on a bandaid and then just ignore it… part of my growing up has been to actually focus on the hurt and let the light enter and heal. Beautiful post Val.


    • Thank you Kate for sharing here. Band aids make us think we are okay … But our inner being knows better. Being with whatever is alive in us becomes so empowering.
      Val x


  6. I am walking this now, Val. I’ve embraced my wound, and have chosen to move forward after the necessary tears were shed. I now am creating New. Love, Amy


    • So glad you have come to a place of acceptance rather than resistance to what is Amy. Now you have clarity to see possibilities and create anew 🙂
      You go girl!! ❤


      • GRIN!!! Thank you, Val. It is so strange how easily I have let go and in actuality the Freedom that I now do have in my BEing. This brand new fresh start feels GOOD, really GOOD! Something huge has changed deep within me, and it is showing in my “new” images. When things like this happen, yes it is shocking, yet when we move into acceptance we have the way to move forward. (((HUGS))) Amy

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m of two minds on this, Val. On the one hand, we need to accept what we cannot change to allow the healing to begin. On the other hand, if we are too focused on the pain, the wound, the hurt . . . we may miss an awful lot of good all around us.

    I prefer to focus for a time and allow the “what is” to have its say . . . and then go on with the rest of my day, allowing smiles and laughter to enter the mix and speed the healing.


    • Nancy, I think the difference here is between our thinking and our awareness. Dwelling on the pain and the lack or what is lost is thinking. When we allow ourself to acknowledge our whole inner experience and what is showing up in our body and emotions, we accept what is. This is where the healing and letting go happens. We can’t heal and let go with our thinking.
      Val x


  8. The wound opened in me after experiencing and facing death, I could have closed it up or allowed the light in to heal it, these choices are difficult to make and yet, the light always heals us completely.

    Rumi’s wisdom is our light, thankyou Val.


  9. Rumi is magic, I always think.


  10. Thank you Yvonne. I appreciate your presence here ❤
    Val x


  11. I absolutely love this quote, because Rumi is SO right!!! And I love your “healing” words because they just are made of… LOVE!
    “When you bring compassion to your wounds, you allow them to heal”…
    Wonderful words, powerful words Val! Thank you 🙂 Have a nice week-end 🙂 ♥


  12. This is beautiful.


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