Enjoy this re-post! It’s always worthwhile coming back to Adyashanti’s insights and wisdom, as our spiritual understanding deepens over time. This is taken from a talk I took notes on.

Photo by Kaique Rocha on Pexels.com

“There are different qualities to awakening, and not everyone awakens to the same thing. It’s rare that someone wakens to the whole of reality all at once. We usually get a piece of it. Of course, any piece of the whole feels like the whole. Every aspect feels complete. That sense that “this is it” what ever it is. It can lead to certain misunderstandings.

The deception is that each aspect feels like the whole. So you might get attached to the part of the whole. Like getting a hold of the foot of an elephant. You think it’s the elephant, but it’s just the foot.

There are 3 qualities of awakening:

1. Mind awakening. Realization of space and sense that I am a conscious space of awareness or spirit. Moving from a little human being running in my body and then bump into the experience is being conscious space. “I am” is space and open awareness. There is no becoming or beginning or end, better or worse to it. It can feel like a weight falling away. If you go deep enough you lose the ability to find reality in the mind. reality is beyond the mind. We lose our intellectual world.

This requires intellectual vulnerability – being able to let go of your beliefs and how you see yourself.

2. Heart awakening. Waking on the level of heart is more difficult to explain than the mind. Its an experience of extraordinary intimacy with all of existence. A feeling of beauty, closeness and love within the heart of existence. The oneness of it all through the veil of things. The deepest intimacy is oneness. Where we intuitively see sameness. Seeing the face of god in everything.

Waking in the level of heart is here and now rather than intellectually “there”. Meeting yourself here. The mind can’t make a rational argument for it.

It requires emotional vulnerability to become intimate. We have to give up a part of ourselves that is terrified that anybody will see it. To be tender and soft.  Being able to let go of the emotional being that we think we are. To be able to open our heart we have to see through what’s closing our heart. The deepest intimacy is oneness.

3. Gut awakening. Waking the existential sense of self. It’s a clench or grasping of self, terrified to let go. When it lets go there is no self. It isn’t intellectual or emotional stuff, it’s the initial reaction of grasping. It is the thing in you that says no to death and no to life. There might be very good reason to say no to life.

These qualities of awakening don’t follow in any logical progression. Over time we tend to become more oriented to one of these realities.

You can also awaken in any of these ways and go to sleep again. You can wake up in one and be asleep in the others. You might even want to go back to asleep to be with everyone you knew and the world you knew.

Spiritual awakening is based on a shift in our deepest identity. You thought it was one thing, and the reality is different. This is different from a spiritual experience which comes and then goes and your identity remains the same.

The danger is that each one of them feels absolutely complete. But if there isn’t completeness without all the other aspects, you can become a spiritual shipwreck.

If you are connected to deeper mind and space, there is clarity and freedom. Your ego can use your space mind to hide from your emotions. The ego will use its intellectual ability to out-think any different thoughts about reality. 

Awakening of the heart brings a sense of oneness and love, yet may be still asleep at the level of the mind. Everything is light and love, but you may do some stupid things. The ego attaches itself to the image of being  pure love and light.

The wakening of mind brings intellectual freedom and clarity but after a while is like a desert without feeling. The world is a manageable duality. They are spaciousness and dismiss having to deal with the otherness of life. But the disconnect will become more acute.

This feeling of total completion and awakening is like a spiritual honeymoon.

Like in marriage the spiritual honeymoon doesn’t tell you much about love and what it means to be together. There is a transition that can be easy or difficult. The agreement of how things are, has shifted and we don’t have a manual on how to live this way. Something will find its way in our experience to find a new balance in life.”

~ Adyashanti

23 comments on “Three Kinds of Spiritual Awakening

  1. Sharon Lawrence

    This is ALOT to think about and process. Maybe the subject of future conversation…

    Sent from my iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How beautiful Val.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So much here. Thank you, Val. 💜🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A lovely re-share Val.. Lots of wisdom in this post Val..
    “Spiritual awakening is based on a shift in our deepest identity. You thought it was one thing, and the reality is different. “…. OH yes…. Nodded my head at this paragraph Val.. 🙂 ❤
    Have a lovely weekend ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Beautifully written Val. And in my experiences so far there is indeed many ‘I’m there’ moments, simply because our experiences in that awakening always seem to be a completeness, but never are. There is ever more to experience, more to enhance, even if, as you said, we can go into a denial or feel not ready to experience something yet.
    My last little wander, now that I’ve had a few days to at least sit back and ‘feel’ what it meant, needed me to really see what I had experienced so far in a new light. A scary one but I think they too are needed to make sure the ego is where it should be as I get knocked off my perch. It gives an appreciation of all else. Those opposites of everything we experience so that we can ‘know’ who and what we are.
    Well shared my friend, and very appreciated. And also needed so that I can see the forest for the tree’s. Um…there is a forest…isn’t there? 🤣❤️🙏🏽

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chuckling 🤭… there are so many forests out there, and even more trees. More gurus than we have time to spend time with. Nature has an insight here. More powerful than what we we can ever be. There is no “right” way or path to follow… other than embracing what shows up. And for me, always tuning in to nature, and my inner GPS rather than any dogma.
      Thank you so much Mark 💐🙏🏻💕

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Fascinating, Val. I know I’m not ‘there’ yet, although I am aware, or feel aware, that my mind and heart are awakening. My mind has been for a while, my heart more recently.
    So much more to look forward to, it seems… thanks for sharing 🙂♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A beautiful share Val and how true our awakening journey has been. Round and round we wander in our discoveries, coming back to to deeper understandings as we dare keep moving forward! We nearly there! AND then we realise we were already there, just covered by mountains of debris that just needed to be blown off in our exploration of life. Thankyou Val for shining your light and walking with us all.❤️ much love to you x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Some posts are worth sharing again, Val, and this is one of them. Thank you! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Again, love Adyashanti! So wise. 🙏❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Beautiful and wise understandings. Thank you for sharing this. 💖🙏💕✨

    Liked by 1 person

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