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Heed the call of heart, soul and spirit.

Where you are going is beyond the thinking mind. It begins when you recognize how much your thoughts are often conditioned responses to your earlier experiences.

At some time in our lives we feel a deeper or more intense calling. There’s a need to fully express ourselves and release what has tied us to comfortable and familiar living.

To readers who want to reach beyond this place, and feel the urge to explore, expand, and reject some of these conditions from the past, I welcome you.

I thought this phase came with age. Like the waves of ups and downs through life. Yet, I have met younger souls in the same place.

This is a time where we need to connect to our center, reflect, and expand our view of ourselves and the world. To come from the place I call , our Middle Ground. We come to see what has been have assumed may not suit us after all, and open to change ourselves into a new way of being.

The call of the soul may not be a fanfare of trumpets and excitement. Listen closely to a different beat of the heart.

When you listen, you will know it is the call from Love and you are ready for transformation.


18 comments on “When Heart and Soul Align

  1. And she sings so beautifully. Well written Val 😀❤️🙏🏽


  2. “We come to see what has been have assumed may not suit us after all, and open to change ourselves into a new way of being.” That ‘assumption’ can be such a detrimental sound. Thank you Val. This spoke so clearly to me, it felt calming as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think we all arrive at different times and places

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A truth for all ages

    Liked by 1 person

  5. beautifully written, Val. Hopefully some day I will reach the Middle Ground…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have finally learned to be quiet enough to hear that truth. Beautifully said. That photo is breathtaking!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A lovely call to listen to the wisdom of the heart, Val. Beautiful post.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, this was so good for my spirit.

    Liked by 1 person

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