“Strength of will, will get you some where.

Transformation comes from the heart.”

This is my second post about change and personal transformation. The first, asks the question “Why is Change so Hard?” It is a practical approach to deal with the ego mind and the natural resistance to change.

Willpower comes from a determined and strong ego-mind, usually responding to an external pressure or a driving need to achieve something. A strong will isn’t enough to bring about the inner transformation that leads to long lasting happiness and fulfillment.

Breaking free of the mind, and opening the heart, is a vulnerable path that requires courage. Courage, after all, comes from the heart, the origin of the word is from the French word for heart – “coeur”. (You can read more here.)

It’s even harder for those of us who have taken pride in our will power and intellect to solve whatever problems we come across. Like Pavlov’s dog, we have been conditioned and rewarded for our behavior.

The real shift here is not only from mind to heart, but also from an attitude of fixing something to embracing and trusting the unknown. From being in control to letting a new future unfold. We must learn to trust our heart and soul to guide us forward, and work on letting go of our reliance on our thoughts.

When we open our heart and let go of the thinking mind, our real spiritual journey begins.

We cannot think our way to transformation and awakening.


21 comments on “More thoughts on Change

  1. Beautiful and true, Val. You present this in an inviting way…inviting us to soften and allow; to realize that pushing the river only creates waves that wash back over us…leaving us shipwrecked. Thank you, Val. 💜🙏🏻

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Anonymous

    So very true, Val


  3. Anonymous

    Val, thank you. This is so right on and exactly what I needed to read this morning!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You make a very good point in your last sentence, Val.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are so correct, we can not solve the problem by using the same thinking that created it. rather only through consciousness can we rest in the transformation

    Liked by 1 person

  6. When we open our heart and let go of the thinking mind, our real spiritual journey begins.

    Beautiful ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The easiest way to change your behavior . . . make it FUN!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This speaks to me: an attitude of fixing something to embracing and trusting the unknown. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: The Call of Spirit – Find Your Middle Ground

  10. Love the closing punch line Val.

    Liked by 1 person

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