Last week I found myself feeling weary about the ongoing confinement and fear of infection so close to home. I realized I had to shift my perspective and find some light for the dark days ahead.

Photo by Gantas Vaiu010diulu0117nas on

It was a week of “letting the dishes sit in the sink” in order to allow the stuck bits to release themselves rather than being forced. (This phrase is one of John J. Prendergast’s that he shared in a Zoom meeting exploring his latest book The Deep Heart. – Highly recommended!)

I went to sleep asking how I can make the most of the time ahead… and I woke up one morning with these words: Imagination. Creativity. Enthusiasm. Connection. These traits are available to us as human beings, and are essential for personal transformation and advancement of societies around the world. These are the gifts to use to take us through challenging times.


Imagination isn’t just for our entertainment but for our survival. If we cannot imagine a different way of being or a better way of doing things we would never be able to change, relate to, and adapt to the world around us.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

~ Albert Einstein

Take some time and ask yourself. “At this time, what is my imagination curious about and eager to explore?”


Matthew Fox writes in his book “Creativity”:

“Chaos reigns in our world today … What do we do with it? Creativity has an answer. We are told by those who have studied the processes of nature that creativity happens at the border between chaos and order. Chaos is a prelude to creativity…

We are creators at our very core. Only creating can make us happy, for in creating we tap into the deepest powers of self and universe and the Divine Self.”

Pause and ask yourself. “What is calling to be created out of this chaotic time?”


“Enthusiasm means there is deep enjoyment in what you do plus the added element of a goal or vision that you work toward. When you add a goal to the enjoyment of what you do, the energy-field or vibrational frequency changes. A certain degree of what you might call structural tension is now added to enjoyment, and so it turns into enthusiasm. At the height of creative activity fueled by enthusiasm, there is enormous intensity and energy behind what you do. You feel like and arrow that is moving towards a target – and enjoying the journey.”

~Eckhart Tolle from “Oneness with Life”

Begin by making a list of the things you enjoy. Then ask yourself “What do I enjoy doing that I can set a goal around?” Feel the energy shift and go with it!


At the beginning of the pandemic, I slowed down and stepped back. It was an opportunity to Find my Middle Ground and find contentment within myself. The Spring and Summer were times of inner connection, retreating from the world and spending time in nature. This practice of being alone, however, can lead to a sense of isolation, especially when we can’t meet in person with those we love.

Connection inwards has shown me how important relationships with others are. We are all in this together, and will get through it together. There is hardship, illness and death for so many people. For those of us who are secure and well, we must reach out to others who may be struggling and let them know that we care. They are not alone.

This quote from Brene Brown comes to mind:

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”

Moving forward into Winter, I plan to use my imagination and creativity; to inject enthusiasm into what I enjoy, and to connect authentically with others.

I’m curious to hear what this may have sparked in you.


31 comments on “New Vision for Winter Days Ahead

  1. “Imagination. Creativity. Enthusiasm. Connection.” What we need right now. This is so true, Val!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You will thrive my friend with you imagination and creativity leading you.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wonderful, as always. It seems to me at times that we are forging new connections, different ones than we’ve known, now. Something shining and beautiful can be born from all of this…and the first step of course is what you wrote here! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is exactly what moves us out of a space of separation and fear and into love and connection. Beautiful wisdom and understanding Val 💕💚

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I enjoyed your post, reading about how you employed this shift in perspective. Enthusiasm has been part of my thought process a lot lately. I think it is very important to have this trait for anything we are pursuing, otherwise mostly we are operating from some pressure to be a certain way. Connection too is very significant for me – to myself, to others with whom I interact, to the divine guidance – it is a way of staying in alignment. Intention would apply my imagination and creativity to be with the flow of life. Thank you for this thought provoking post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you P.D. 🙏 As I wrote this post I realized that simply doing what I enjoy and taking time out during the day for reflection and was not quite enough. We can inspire ourselves and others to make a difference.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. A wonderful post .”I went to sleep asking how I can make the most of the time ahead” I can relate to this so much .Actually ,for a long time I have been thinking in general too ,how I can make the most of the time ahead (remaining life) .I”ll be 50 next year this because I am getting old :).
    “Imagination. Creativity. Enthusiasm. Connection.” so true and it inspiring .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Age plays a part … but our attitude towards it and beliefs around aging are so powerful … and often diminishing. 50 was such an awesome year for me. I broke away from the past and stepped into a future without my husband of 26 years. Anything is possible when the heart embraces a
      New vision for ourselves … and the world 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I always love reading your posts, Val. Full of wise words! Like the rest of us, I’ve had to dig deep this year. Being outside comes naturally to me as you would guess, but being inside as the world grows colder has been more of a challenge without garden work to do. Creativity comes into play, finding new ways to express that drive. Tending plants doesn’t take that long! Christmas greens of all kinds, inside and out, a little baking. My biggest challenge is feeling connected. Socially distanced, masked walks with friends a couple times a week seems to fit the bill. There are daily walks with hubby and dog, too. I am so grateful that I can still walk! A crucial part is staying connected inside, so easy to neglect! Yoga and meditation is essential, and to keep the ego in check, I’ve picked up Eckhard again, how I lived without his wisdom before, I have no clue! Wishing you all the best, my friend! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Eliza 💕 It sounds like we are on similar paths as we adjust to the change of season. In previous winters I would advocate and internal focus and sense of hibernation. This year feels different. We need to be alert to our inner an outer worlds and make an effort to be socially connected. It doesn’t happen by itself anymore, but we can bring it about for the well being of ourselves and others. 💕🙏💕

      Liked by 1 person

  8. four wonderful traits, and your post is a great reminder that we have control over all of them…

    but we still have to do the dishes… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I imagine
    Creating fabulous cocktails
    While enthusiastically enjoying
    Extended Happy Hours! 😀

    As for the connection, there’s always ZOOM.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You and I are on the same wavelength on this one Nancy! Im enjoying extended happy hours while preparing creative dishes with Don. Zoom is great, as is FaceTime, HouseParty and Facebook messenger video. I’m exploring them all – so glad we can do this together 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Actually, if you need an idea for connecting . . . check out Pandemic of Love which matches good-hearted donors (like YOU!) with people who need help!

    This Sunday, December 13, you’ll get to meet some of our inspiring friends at Pandemic of Love when CNN features this grassroots volunteer-run aid organization in their 2020 CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute broadcast at 8pm ET. The timing is perfect. POL founder Shelly Tygielski reports that as of this week, the group has matched one million people–givers and those in need–since March 14.

    It all started with Shelly’s belief that if you could find a way to match good-hearted donors directly with individuals, people would step up. And hundreds of thousands have.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A wonderful way to present words of wisdom, Val. All these four elements will surely help us to cope with these difficult times. All will be fine at the end. Stay safe and stay happy.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Time to “leave the dishes in the sink.” I love that, Val. I hope you find plenty of Imagination, Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Connection in the days to come. Merry Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Such good advice for us, Val. Very helpful and wise. I have taken advantage of every single one in the last few months–to connect, to show up with enthusiasm, to let creativity sing, to imagine and imagine again. May we all continue to do this, especially when we’re feeling challenged.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Mara Ziyad

    You had an epiphany. I wish I had me one of those.
    Thank you for sharing your magical experience! Your words are wise, and you need to keep putting more of them out in the world 🌍❤️🌹


  15. Wonderful post, Val, and I’ve tried inserting all into my life. The health issues are resolved, but our daughter and son-in-law have covid now after being so careful all year long. So when we found out, that added some doom and gloom to the spirits. But their cases are mild, so we’re trying to be positive and I’m trying to return to writing and creativity while using my imagination. 🙂 Stay safe. 💗💗


  16. Imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and connection. All the ingredients for a happy, healthy life. Thank you Val for sharing your wonderful wisdom 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Yesterday, I had a pj day and chose to not accomplish anything. I picked what sounded fun all day long. Sometimes breaking a pattern can bring out my creativity.
    Thank you as always for your questions.
    Wishing you a happy Winter Solstice.


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