Photo by Garon Piceli on


We live in a self absorbed society where everything seems to be directed to feeding the insatiable and bored little “me”.

When we start finding our Middle Ground, we get in touch with our inner being and experience what is happening in the moment. This inner world includes our thoughts, beliefs, needs, feelings and knowing what really matters to us – our values.

We become observers of ourselves.

We come nurturers of our inner being instead of critics.

Life becomes more satisfying just as it is. There is less need for stimulation, excitement and acquiring of things to prove to ourselves, entertain us, show others, or to keep boredom at bay.

This shift can happen in a moment or over a space of time … and is available to all of us.

Through yoga, I learned that this feeling of centered contentment was when my mind, body and spirit are aligned and in harmony.

I call this place of inner alignment the Middle Ground.

Thank you for joining me here 💛

16 comments on “Inner Alignment

  1. Amazing 🙌🙌

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s an interesting concept, Val. Worthy of some thought.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. marandarussell

    The narcissism does seem to be getting a bit out of control.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. When I’ve found myself on my middle ground I know this. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So true Val, in a world where we have ‘instant gratification’ everywhere, we miss a valuable opportunities to be, to breathe and to heal what needs healing. Happy middle grounding! 🙏🏻


  6. Life becomes more satisfying just as it is. There is less need for stimulation, excitement and acquiring of things to prove to ourselves, entertain us, show others, or to keep boredom at bay. ~~>>> YUP!


  7. You should write a book, Val. One that’s full of meditations like these, all compiled from the blog posts you’ve written over the years. They’re just so inspiring and worth meditating on further, away from the screen. Have you given any thought to that? Just curious, that’s all.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Love this. I wish we could get kids to get off their phones and get in touch with their inner beings.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Awed by this beautiful articulation of your wisdom. Thank you, Val.

    Liked by 1 person

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