We discovered last weekend that the second of our three bee colonies had died out. When the queen bee either leaves the hive or dies, the colony will collapse, unless there is a new queen ready to be hatched. Alas, with winter approaching there is no new bee making, and so the colony runs its natural course and dies.

I feel quite sad about it, and also realize it is nature’s way. The average worker bee only lives 35 days, while the queen can live for years. During the winter, their metabolism slows down as the workers surround the queen to keep her warm. That’s what’s happening in the other two hives right now.

In Spring we will take a queen cell from an other hive, and start a new colony.

What a valuable lesson to be present in the highs and lows of life. It brought to mind an earlier post:

Being a bee keeper is a mindfulness practice. 

Be patient.

Respect this space.

Be open to the unknown.

Respect those around me.

(Even when they are busy busy busy and I have no clue what they are doing)

There is an intelligence here that I cannot fathom.

Be curious.

I may not understand but I trust in nature.

Go slowly.

Breathe easily into each moment as it unfolds.

Notice what comes up.

Give it space.

Let it bee.


We can bring mindfulness into all sorts of routine behaviors and actions in our daily lives.  There’s no need to sit meditating or roll out a yoga mat to find your Middle Ground.

Take a moment to consider the mindful moments of your day.  When you feel connected with yourself and the world around you. When you are truly present to all that is happening around you and within you.

It’s natures way of beeing.


16 comments on “Nature’s Way of Beeing

  1. Our neighbor keeps bees to and I find it fascinating. As a side my garden pollination was really good maybe because of the proximity! She has lost several hives over the years and I’m always astounded when they survive even during the coldest winters. It’s nature’s way.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m sorry to hear about your colony, Val. “There’s no need to sit meditating or roll out a yoga mat to find your Middle Ground.” Love this!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Bee Here Now!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Isn’t that beautiful? What a lovely lesson from beekeeping. I’m fortunate to live with many wild animals and notice that this approach works with most. (I haven’t tried it on cougars, Ha ha). I wish you a peaceful communion with your busy friends come spring, Val.


  5. This is so true Val and a beautiful metaphor for every part of our life. I think the practice starts within us first and then evolves outwardly to see precious moments in nature, and the mystery of its perfection unfold.


  6. Sorry to hear about the hive. It’s nature in action, but it’s still sad.


  7. Wonderful post. I knew nothing about bees until late in life. No connection to the earth or things that grew. We led a gypsy life and never had a plot of ground to learn from. I am so glad that more of us are waking up to the interaction of life. I plant for bees and birds in my small space now. Yes, the garden is where I meditate.


  8. I’m sorry to hear about your bee colony dying, Val. Its definitely a valuable lesson in being present in the moment (and accepting).

    I find Mindfulness a very sensible and worthwhile way of living with chronic pain. If I thought about the tomorrows and the possibility of worsening pain to the excruciating stage, I’d find continuing my life as it is unacceptable. If I thought about the extreme episodes and inevitable Hospital E.R. visits of the past, I would waste too much mind space on reliving each agonising episode and then, fearing the future.

    If I just focus on today, the task at hand i.e. typing a comment, I can accept this morning’s pain on getting out of bed and preparing breakfast and my morning coffee. I know that this level of pain is doable and acceptable. I know that my morning prescription analgesics will ‘kick in’ in about another 15 mins and that I have a window of opportunity to do something enjoyable. It might be merely sitting at my desk watching the birds drop in to my bird bath, or even just the wind tossing the upper tree foliage around in its lazy way.

    I know that if I concentrate on right now….this very moment…anything is possible.


  9. I love all your ways of beeing, Val.


  10. sad!
    may all
    bee well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. The bee keeper’s advice is great for every day of the year, for everyone ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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