I started to write this post a few months ago, and forgot about it. When I came across it again, it brought back such a smile!

I am grateful to the committed and wonderful women and men who come to my yoga classes. Thank you for your openness, kindness and willingness to explore all aspects of your being. We touch each others hearts and souls … and have fun along the way. There is love here. 💕


love yoga

Today was a day that went beyond the ordinary. In yoga class there were my regular morning peeps and a wonderful woman coming up to the anniversary of her second hip replacement. When I asked the class about what they wanted to take care of, or what to open up to,  she said she wanted to be challenged.

Okay. Two things crossed my mind…

Firstly, she has an appointment with her orthopedics surgeon next week. “Do no harm! Keep her safe” was the message from my cautious teacher mind.

Secondly, she also has a birthday coming up and her family are coming into town. She deserves to feel special and alive. An other voice said “Give her the gift of experiencing something she hasn’t been able to do for several years. Let her feel supported and have fun! ”

So, to cut longer story short, we explored pigeon pose and all it variations with bolsters, blankets and blocks. It looked like a playground.
And it became one.
Others understood and felt connected to her experience, as they also tried out a different approach for themselves.

We breathed into the exploration and the opening of the body … and were surprised.
There was a lot of love in that room.


Supported pigeon pose

p.s. You can find out more about my yoga classes at http://www.relishyoga.com


38 comments on “There is Love Here

  1. That sounds so much fun, Val! I feel like the least flexible person on earth, but I would come to your beginner classes if I lived close enough 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like a lovely community!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so happy you had an extraordinary day, Val. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jill. It was special. Today I am teaching a group of older peeps Senior Yin Yoga. I think there will be lots of laughter in the room 😍


  4. Yoga is a gift to pass on to others Val. Meeting everyone where they are, is how we heal. Brava to you 🙏🏻💞

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your compassionate heart Val! ♡
    Diana xo

    Liked by 1 person

  6. soulspeak

    So wish I lived close enough to attend your classes Val…amazing and beautiful…Namaste’


  7. I too wish I could attend your classes Val you would leave everyone feeling better about there day. Of that I have no doubt.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I like how you allowed her to explore her body in a safe way. If I could do pigeon pose after two hip replacements I’d be thrilled!


  9. If only we were closer you would have both of us beating a path to your Yoga classes!


  10. What a great place to be…in that room.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wish you were closer, Val, I would love to take your class. I recently returned to yoga, and I’m loving it more than ever.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’ve only been doing Yoga since August but I find the pigeon pose to bother my hip, even with supports. I do it, mostly in the hope that it will feel better eventually, but it is not my favorite.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Lorrie! It took me quite some time for my hips to open up for pigeon. It isn’t so easy for beginners! I also like to use an adaptation where students are on their back. Start off with both knees bent, then place the right ankle above the left knee. Allow the right hip to open, like a figure 4. In this way you are more in control of the amount of opening that takes place. Small movements can allow for great results 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I know that the fact that I clicked on this particular post, Val, is another strong message for me today (they seem to be bombarding me!) I was very into yoga a while back…and I knew that it was something that speaks to my soul! For whatever (health/self-punishment???) reasons, I strayed away. I tried to ease back into it a few months ago (and I always ask my body to do too much…self-punishment???) and then I stopped again. And then my life blew up with responsibility that leaves me little (no) time for myself, and I also know that my disease (Lyme) creates huge yoga challenges. But all of that is excuses I think about which ultimately prevent me from doing something that I KNOW is so important for me!!! It is probably very important for ALL people, but I KNOW I need to get back into it.
    So thank you, beautiful soul! I know all about restrictions and modified poses…time for me to get back to taking care of myself!!
    Much love to you ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aways be kind to your body Lorrie. This is the real gift of yoga … getting to know ourselves on a physical, mental, and emotional level and allowing the witness to grow. Its is a spiritual journey, that we often get lost in as we try too hard or get caught up in achieving physical goals to prove something. There is nothing to prove. Only exploration, breathing and acceptance of where we are. 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  14. These are pure divine experiences indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. That’s what a yoga class should be!


  16. The bolsters, blankets and blocks sounds like a wonderful idea for those of us who are movement challenged. Glad to hear everyone benefitted by the alternative methods of your yoga class.
    It’s only since I’ve been retired that I’ve been able to appreciate how much people need support in challenging situations.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. How wonderful. It’s fun to be part of a community of vibrant and generous individuals. Yoga is for everyone. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Lovely post Val and I wish, that I lived close enough to be able to join you too. You seem to be a great teacher 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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