When we look at the sky we see clouds and blue spaciousness.

Sometimes there is no blue, but there is a luminosity behind the clouds.

man watching sky

Eckhart Tolle says that in life we learn to identify ourselves as the clouds.

But we are more than just the clouds.

Clouds represent our thoughts and senses.

Yet we are not separate.

We are the whole.

We are the clouds…

We are the blue and luminosity…

We are the whole sky…

15 comments on “* Life is Like … the sky

  1. Healing Grief

    I have solved many of life’s problems staring at the sky! Beautiful.


  2. In the Stillness of Willow Hill

    I love this! I have definitely focused more on clouds than sky lately. I love how you have brought awareness to nature and our own hearts at the same time.


    • Yes Tree! In fact I have been detached from nature for several days, and it was only this morning that I realized how it impacted my overall being and feeling of connection with myself and others. There is so much to tap into when we take time to be with all aspects of nature. You have really reinforced this wisdom 🙂
      Today was a lovely day to watch the dappled light and feel the soothing warmth of a low sun. ❤


  3. Love this, Val! I am the whole sky! ❤


  4. You are so right Val!!! But we are more than just the clouds. WE ARE THE SKY! And beyond,.. much more than the sky… I love your metaphor, yes, we are not separate, it is a very essential spiritual truth! Thanks for sharing light 🙂 ♥


  5. What a lovely way to describe what we are Val!
    Diana xo


  6. Interesting that Tolle should say we learn to identify ourselves as the clouds. Must say this doesn’t resonate at all with me and sounds like a huge generalisation. I wonder where the evidence came from or what sample was used to arrive at this conclusion.
    Yes, the sky is amazing, no doubt about that and there’s so much beauty in all its moods and tones.


    • It does sound like a generalization, especially if one feels connected to the sky and nature already. He’s more of a mystic than a scientist. I think in this metaphor he uses the clouds to show that we think of ourselves as separate from each other and the world around us … when in fact we are part of the same bigger consciousness.
      Thanks for sharing your insight Jean 🙂


  7. I’ve often likened thoughts to clouds in the sky . . . with “me” as the backdrop.

    Liked by 1 person

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