shining puzzle piece

Find your Middle Ground

the sacred space within you

let this peace ignite

24 comments on “* Haiku – Piece of the Puzzle

  1. Healing Grief

    We are all pieces of life’s puzzle trying to find our place to complete the bigger picture.

    i love this concept Val and someone once told me that every piece counts and that no “one “piece of this puzzle is less or more than the other. We need every piece.

    Thanks for reminding me of this Val.


  2. In the Stillness of Willow Hill

    A sacred space for peace…..within. That’s all we need….so simple…yet it can be a struggle in this fast paced life. Daily inspirations such as this help transform squirming thought patterns into flames of peace.


    • I hear you ISWH! Consistent practice is key … Yet can be so elusive in our day to day lives.
      Thank you supporting the gentle reminders for all of us.
      Val x


  3. Wise advice! and by the way twitter works 🙂 thanks for sharing, have a nice Sunday!


  4. Love the jigsaw metaphor, Val. Once stayed in a place called Jigsaw Cottage. It was great in every sense.


  5. Beautiful Haiku.


  6. You told me yesterday your middle name was “Peace!” Beautiful haiku, Val….I love it…Your “Middle Ground” your “middle name”….it is all wonderful PEACE!! ❤


  7. To ignite peace — what a powerful image and beautiful haiku. Thank you – your words fall gently into my heart this morning, awakening me to embrace the peace within me and let it shine.


  8. Thank you Louise for these beautiful words. Peace be with you and shine on!
    Val x


  9. So true and beautiful!


  10. Beautiful, Val. Very creative of you. xx Amy

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