come to the present moment

When we find ourselves judging others … its simply a reminder to connect more with ourselves.

We we find ourselves analyzing what is wrong … its simply a reminder to connect more with ourselves.

When we worry about the future … its simply a reminder to connect more with ourselves.

When we ponder over past regrets … its simply a reminder to connect more with ourselves.

In our judgments and our thoughts its easy to lose touch with our hearts and the essence of who we are.

We are more than our thoughts and mind stuff.

Set aside time to sit quietly with yourself.

Be present with whatever comes up.

Connect with the life force that is always there for you.

Notice that your own mind is fallible and ignorant.

And that’s okay.

Its part of being human and surviving in this world.

Take time to come home to your true self in your Middle Ground

and keep your mind body and spirit in loving harmony.

As I leave tomorrow for Scotland I will keep these words close to my heart.

Please note that although I have scheduled posts to share, I will not be able to respond to comments…. or be actively following fellow bloggers.

Val x


17 comments on “*Musings on Judging and Thoughts

  1. A great reminder to live by our true selves. Thanks.


  2. Very good remenber Val 🙂
    Enjoy Scotland for me too. A beautiful country 😀


  3. Enjoy Scotland Val. 🙂


  4. Have a great time in Scotland!


  5. Good advice and beautifully said. I wish you an awesome trip to Scotland and lots and lots of fun Val!


  6. Great advice – but I can’t wait to hear about the trip – and see the pictures! I’ve heard it’s a beautiful land!


    • Thank you Kate! Scotland is my home land and it really is beautiful! This is my trip to see family and get away with my mother for a jaunt in Istanbul. Now that will be interesting!!


  7. In the Stillness of Willow Hill

    May your mind, body, and spirit be in loving harmony in Scotland. i love Scotland!


  8. Wonderful words Val. Have a great time in Scotland.


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