I love this question! Especially when faced with making a difficult decision. It can help in your career direction and life direction. It can help when you find yourself procrastinating over the best choice to make.

Its also helpful when you have committed to doing something … and then it doesn’t feel quite right.

In my experience, when we feel an internal struggle, there are one of two things going on.  Either its fear coming up … or its our inner wisdom trying to get our attention.

The first step is to consider what I might be afraid of…. What are the facts of the situation? Are their any old beliefs coming up that I might not be good enough, or that I might fail? As I think about this, is there a feeling of contraction or withdrawal… or not? Could there be an unpleasant experience from my past associated with this? Examining for previous wounds isn’t easy, but its helpful in getting clear.

Fear comes from our mind and our thoughts.  It comes from our ego and its job is to keep us safe.  Its very human!  And boy does it get in the way when we want to bring about change.

The next step is to explore our inner wisdom. What’s going on in our heart and soul.

This is where the horse comes in. jerry-koontz-horse-galloping-half-moon-bay-california

Imagine you are going through life with your true authentic self on a horse. It takes you to where your heart and soul want to be.

When you come across a difficult decision, or are procrastinating about making the right choice, ask yourself these questions – Which way is my horse heading? Am I trying to turn my horse around? What would happen if I follow my horse?

Then sit quietly. The answer comes from your inner being, rather than your mind. Listen for the answer to reveal itself. It may show itself as a feeling in your body or an image, rather than a thought.

I’ve asked this question at important times in my life. My horse wanted to be free to run in a controlling relationship. It wanted to graze at the side of a luscious path and nourish itself when I was in coach training. A few days ago I realized that my horse doesn’t want to turn back onto a well used path. It likes where its heading …. and I’m along for the ride!

Follow your horse and you follow your inner wisdom.

I’d love to hear what comes up for you. Val x

24 comments on “* Which Way is Your Horse Heading?

  1. My horse is running carefree and wild, enjoying the ride my friend:)


    • Thank you Kim for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Your ride sounds amazing!
      I look forward to sharing more travels and insights.
      Val x


  2. Great metaphor!


  3. Remaining open and simply curious is what happens whenever I follow my horse. These are interesting questions that lead the many paths we live and even blaze.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The horse, I found, has a mind of its own. I dismount and hike – I decide where I want to go – or, so I think 🙂


  5. The horse represents our authentic self Eric…. and it may have a different voice than the one we’ve been used to listening to.
    Be curious… and don’t drop the reins.
    Val x


  6. Reblogged this on Find Your Middle Ground and commented:

    This is such a good question to ask when we are at a crossroads in life! Enjoy the re-post.


  7. Lovely post, Val. Usually horses are good at heading home, and that’s to me is symbolic of heading to one’s inner sanctum – where the answers are waiting.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Understanding my fears and letting them go along my journey is exactly when I head in the right direction! Happy riding Val, thanks for your wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is an interesting little thought experiment, Val – I shall give it a try. H ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Carol Ferenc

    I am at a crossroad of sorts right now, Val. Great advice ~ I will be still and listen.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    Yes! Yes! Love the horse metaphor! I find as I get older and find myself forgetting what I am doing, my horse knows exactly what to do, so I often just drop the reins and enjoy the ride. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. This post is so well written and so true Val.. My horse I got onto a couple of weeks ago and I trusted its steady jog to take me to the destination I was seeking.. It delivered me safely along my path.. And I got to see some interesting views along the way.. 🙂 Wonderful my friend just wonderfully inspiring. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Love love love this post Val!

    Liked by 1 person

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